Review: Study Day on the Prevention of Anti-Semitism

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„Was an Schulen wirksam werden soll, muss im Studium beginnen“: The Research Centre for Interreligious Education (University of Augsburg) and BaFID organised a study day on the prevention of anti-Semitism in teacher training in Augsburg.

Dr Josef Schuster, Chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany and member of the BaFID Board of Trustees, spoke about the prevention of anti-Semitism in his lecture. A film about the „Zertifikat für Interreligiöse Mediation“, which can be obtained in Augsburg, was followed by a panel discussion.


  • Dr. Josef Schuster
  • Dr. des. Jasmin Kriesten
  • Dr. Selcen Güzel
  • Prof. Dr. Georges Tamer
  • Dr. Robert Sigel


  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Naurath
  • Prof. Dr. Georg Langenhorst

All details can be found in the Flyer or here.