The main aim of the Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses (BaFID) is the investigation of the fundamental terms and concepts in Judaism, Christianity and Islam for their reciprocal connections, in order to highlight similarities and differences between these three religions. BaFID is committed to deepening mutual understanding between religious communities by communicating research results. The team of BaFID conducts basic research on fundamental terms and concepts in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions with regard to their mutual relations and develops different formats to communicate research insights. These goals are to be achieved by means of various activities, including several annual conferences in English with internationally recognized scholars, the publication of a book series, a journal, a video series, a lecture series, panel discussions, and study days. The target groups are people of all ages interested in religion, teachers and influential figures in science, politics, society and the media.

For further information on BaFID (mission) check out our leaflet.