St. Barbara’s Day

Date: 4. December 2025Time: All day

On 4 December, St. Barbara is commemorated in Catholic and Orthodox churches in the Byzantine tradition. She is a Christian martyr from Nicomedia in modern-day Turkey. According to legend, St. Barbara was imprisoned in a tower by her father to prevent her from converting to Christianity. During this time, she is said to have moistened a withered branch of a cherry tree in her cell with water, causing it to blossom again on the day of her death. For this reason, so-called ‘Barbara branches’ were cut on 4 December and placed in water. If these then blossom on Christmas Eve on 24 December, this is considered a good omen for the future.

Because of another detail of the Barbara tradition, St. Barbara is also considered the patron saint of miners. When her father, who had returned home, learned that she had secretly become a Christian despite her confinement, he persecuted her when she managed to escape her prison. Pursued by her father, a crevice is said to have opened up for her to hide in. This is why processions and church services are held in (former) mining regions around St. Barbara's Day.

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Event Details

4. December 2025
All day
Event Categories:
IK digital – Christianity