Jessica Ströer

Jessica Ströer, B.A.

Student assistant

Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses


Jessica Ströer studied history, German, economics and art at the Friedrich-Alexander University and graduated with a Bachelor of Education. Before her current position, she worked at the Department of Economics. She also took part in the “Lern: Förderung” project, a cooperation project between the Dr Ursula Schmid-Kayser Foundation of the Förderverein Pädagogische Initiativen in Metropolregion Nürnberg e.V. (FPI) and the Centre for Teacher Training at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (ZfL). In this project, she supported disadvantaged children and young people at secondary schools in their individual learning progress. She is currently working on the #WissenMachtStark project. Her area of responsibility at BaFID primarily includes content creation and social media management.