Conferences and Series
In addition to the KCID conferences, BaFID organises other specialist conferences, meetings, study days and series, such as:
- The Workshop „The Grammar of ,God` – Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives“ in cooperation with scientists from the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Greifswald
- The Expert Conference „Politik und Paradies“ in co-operation with the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation
- The Summerseries „Drei Termine, drei Themen, drei Religionen – Alltagsthemen interreligiös betrachtet“ in co-operation with „Zentrum für Globale Fragen“ at the Munich School of Philosophy in the summer semesters 2022/23
- The Studyday on the prevention of anti-Semitism in cooperation with the Research Centre for Interreligious Education at the University of Augsburg
- The conference on „Ein anderer Gott? Quellen und Konsequenzen des Gottesbegriffs von Hans Jonas“ together with the University of Siegen in hybrid form