Interreligious calendar
Since 2022, BaFID has provided an interreligious calendar in digital form, and for the first time in printed form for 2023. The print version of the calendar for 2025 can be bought here.
The researchers have researched the interreligious references of the central festivals and holidays in the following traditions: Jewish; Christian: Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant; Islamic: Shiite and Sunni. For the Islamic holidays, the digital calendar first shows the English name, followed by the transcription of the Arabic term and the Turkish name. Various calendar traditions and the different time calculations are also discussed. Detailed texts with sources and quotations are linked under each holiday title.
The calendar pages have also been available since autumn 2022 (the festive and public holidays for 2022 can be found at the bottom of this page) in the Intercultural Calendar of the Integration Commissioner of Bavaria.
Calendar Traditions
- Jewish Calendar
- Julian Calendar (Christian Liturgical Year)
- Gregorian Calendar (Christian Liturgical Year)
- Islamic Calendar
Further information and Literature
Year 2024
1. January: Circumcision of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. January: Theophany/Epiphany/Holy Three Kings (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. January: Baptism of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. January: First Christmas Day (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 25th December)
14. January: Circumcision of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 1st January)
19. January: Baptism of the Lord/Theophany (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar, see 6th January)
25. January: New Year’s festival of trees/The fifteenth Shevat/Tu bi-Shevat (Jewish)
2. February: Presentation of the Lord in the temple/Mariä Lichtmess (Christian)
6. February: Night of the celestial journey/Laylat al-Miʿrāǧ/Miraç Kandili (Islamic)
14. February: Beginning of Lent/Easter Wednesday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
15. February: Presentation of the Lord in the Temple (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
5. March: Night of the final judgement/Laylat al-Barāʾa/Berat Kandili (Islamic)
11. March to 10. April: Ramadan/Ramaḍān/Ramazan (Islamic)
18. March: Beginning of Lent (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
21. March: The fast of Esther/Ta´anit Esther (Jewish)
24. March: Purim (Jewish)
24. March: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Palm Sunday (Christian, according to Gregorian calendar)
24. March: Sunday of Orthodoxy (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
25. March: Annunciation of the Lord resp. Mariä Annunciation (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
25. March: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Palm Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
28.March: Celebration of the Last Supper/Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
29. March: Crucifixion of the Lord/Good Friday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
30. March: Holy Saturday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
31. March: Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
1. April: Easter Monday(Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
5. April: Night of Destiny/Laylat al-Qadr/Kadir Gecesi (Islamic)
6. April: Celebration of the Last Supper/Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. April: Annunciation of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
10. to 12. April: Festival of breaking the fast/ʿĪd al-Fiṭr/Ramazan Bayramı (Islamic)
11. April: Celebration of the Last Supper / Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
23. to 30. April: The Passover/Pessach (Jewish)
28. April: Palm Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
2. May: Celebration of the Last Supper/Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
03. May: Good Friday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
04. May: Good Saturday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
05. May: Easter Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
06. May: Easter Monday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
09.May: Ascension Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
19. May: Pentecost Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
20. May: Pentecost Monday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
26. May: The weekly festival/Schawuot (Jewish)
26. May: The 33rd day of the counting of the omer/Lag ba-Omer/Lag la-Omer (Jewish)
30. May: Corpus Christi (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
12. June: The weekly festival/Schawuot (Jewish)
13. June: Ascension Day (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
16. to 19. June: The festival of sacrifice/ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā/Kurban Bayramı (Islamic)
23. June: Pentecost Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
24. June:Pentecost Montag (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
6. August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
13. August: The ninth Aw/Tischa be-Aw (Jewish)
15. August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian)
19. August: Festival of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
1. September: Day of Creation (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
8. September: Birth of Mary (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
14. September: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
16. September: The birthday of the prophet/Mawlid an-Nabī/Mevlid Kandili (Islamic)
21. September: Birth of Mary (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
27. September: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
03./04. October: The New Year/Rosch ha-Schana (Jewish, two days in the diaspora)
05. October: Fasting (in memory of) Gedaliah/Zom Gedalja (Jewish)
12. October: The Day of AtonementJom Kippur or Jom ha-Kippurim (Jewish)
17. to 23. October: The Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot (Jewish)
24. to 25. October: The final celebration/Schemini Azeret and The Festival of Torah Joy/Simchat Torah (Jewish)
31. October: Reformation Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
1. November: All Saints’ Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
2. November: All Souls’ Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
20. November: Day of Prayer and Repentance (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. December: St. Nicholas (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
9. December: Conception of the Mother of God (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
24. December: Christmas Eve (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
25. December: Christmas Day/Feast of the Birth of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
26. December: Second Christmas Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
26. December to 02. January 2025: The consecration festival/Chanukka (Jewish)
Year 2023
1. January: Circumcision of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. January: Apparition of the Lord/Epiphany/Holy Three Kings (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. January: First Christmas Day (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 25 December)
8. January: Baptism of the Lord/Theophany (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
14. January: Circumcision of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 1st January)
19. January: Baptism of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 8th January)
2. February: Presentation of Jesus Christ in the temple/Mary Candlemas (Christian)
6. February: New Year’s festival of trees/The fifteenth Shevat/Tu bi-Schewat (Jewish)
18./19. February: Night of the celestial journey/Laylat al-Miʿrāǧ/Miraç Kandili (Islamic)
22. February: Beginning of Lent/Easter Wednesday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. March: The fast of Esther/Ta´anit Esther (Jewish)
7. March: Purim (Jewish)
8. March: Night of the final judgement/Laylat al-Barāʾa/Berat Kandili (Islamic)
23. March to 22. April: Ramadan/Ramaḍān/Ramazan (Islamic)
25. March: Annunciation of the Lord or Mary’s Annunciation (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
2. April: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Palm Sunday (Christian, according to Gregorian calendar)
6. to 13. April: The Passover/Pessach (Jewish)
6. April: Celebration of the Last Supper/Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. April: Crucifixion of the Lord/Good Friday (christlich, nach gregorianischem Kalender)
7. April: Annunciation of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 25th March)
8. April: Holy Saturday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
9. April: Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
9. April: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Palm Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 2nd April)
10. April: Easter Monday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
13. April: Celebration of the Last Supper / Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 6th April)
14. April: Good Friday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 8th April)
15. April: Holy Saturday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
16. April: Easter Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 9th April)
17. April: Easter Monday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 10th April)
18. April: Night of Destiny/Laylat al-Qadr/Kadir Gecesi (Islamic)
21./ 22. April: Feast of breaking the fast/ʿĪd al-Fiṭr/Ramazan Bayramı (Islamic)
9. May: The 33rd day of the counting of the omer/Lag ba-Omer/Lag la-Omer (Jewish)
18. May: Ascension Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
25. May: Ascension Day (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 18th May)
26. to 27. May: The weekly festival/Schawuot (Jewish)
28. May: Pentecost Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
29. May: Pentecost Monday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
4. June: Pentecost Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 28th May)
5. June: Pentecost Monday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 29th May)
8. June: Corpus Christi (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
28./29. June to 1./2. July: The festival of sacrifice/a>/ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā/Kurban Bayramı (Islamic)
19. July: Islamic New Year (Islamic)
27. July: The ninth Aw/Tischa be-Aw (Jewish)
28. July: Ashura/ʿĀšūrāʾ/Aşure Günü (Islamic)
6. August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
15. August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
19. August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 6th August)
28. August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 15th August)
8. September: Birth of the Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
14. September: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
16. to 17. September: The New Year/Rosch ha-Schana (Jewish, two days in the diaspora)
18. September: Fasting (in memory of) Gedalja/Zom Gedalja (Jewish)
21. September:Birth of Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 8th September)
25. September: The Day of Atonement/Jom Kippur or Jom ha-Kippurim (Jewish)
27. September: The birthday of the prophet/Mawlid an-Nabī/Mevlid Kandili (Islamic)
27. September: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 14th September)
30. September to 6. October: The Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot (Jewish)
7. and 8. October: The final celebration/Shemini Azeret and The Festival of Torah Joy/Simchat Torah (Jewish)
31. October: Reformation Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
1. November: All Saints’ Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
2. November: All Souls’ Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
22. November: Day of Prayer and Repentance (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
8. to 15. December: The consecration festival/Chanukka (Jewish)
6. December: St Nicholas (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
24. December: Christmas Eve (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
25. December: Erster Weihnachtsfeiertag/Feast of the Nativity of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
26. December: Second Christmas Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
Year 2022
1. January: Circumcision of the Lord and Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. January: Apparition of the Lord/Epiphany/Holy Three Kings (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. January: First Christmas Day (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 25th December)
9. January: Baptism of the Lord/Theophany (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
14. January: Circumcision of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 1st January)
17. January: New Year’s festival of trees/The fifteenth Shevat/Tu bi-Shevat (Jewish)
19. January: Baptism of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 9th January)
2. February: Presentation of the Lord in the temple/Candlemas (Christian)
27./28. February: Night of the celestial journey/Laylat al-Miʿrāǧ/Miraç Kandili (Islamic)
2. March: Beginning of Lent/Ash Wednesday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
16. March: The fasting of Esther/Ta´anit Esther (Jewish)
17. March: Purim (Jewish)
17. March: Night of the final judgement/Laylat al-Barāʾa/Berat Kandili (Islamic)
25. March: Annunciation of the Lord or Annunciation (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
2. April to 2. May: Ramadan/Ramaḍān/Ramazan (Islamic)
7. April: Annunciation of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 25th March)
10. April: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Palm Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
14. April: Celebration of the Last Supper/Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
16. to 23. April: The Passover/Pessach (Jewish)
15. April: Crucifixion of the Lord/Good Friday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
16. April: Holy Saturday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
17. April: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Palm Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 10th April)
17. April: Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
18. April: Easter Monday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
21. April: Celebration of the Last Supper / Holy Thursday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 14th April)
22. April: Good Friday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 15th April)
23. April: Holy Saturday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar)
24. April: Easter Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 17th April)
25. April: Easter Monday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 18th April)
27. April: Night of Destiny/Laylat al-Qadr/Kadir Gecesi (Islamic)
2. to 4./5. May: Feast of breaking the fast/ʿĪd al-Fiṭr/Ramazan Bayramı (Islamic)
19. May: The 33rd day of the counting of the omer/Lag ba-Omer/Lag la-Omer (Jewish)
26. May: Ascension Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
2. June: Ascension Day (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 26th May)
5. to 6. June: The weekly festival/Schawuot (Jewish)
5. June: Pentecost Sunday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. June: Pentecost Monday (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
12. June: Pentecost Sunday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 5th June)
13. June: Pentecost Monday (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 6th June)
16. June: Corpus Christi (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
7. July: The ninth Aw/Tischa be-Aw (Jewish)
9. to 12. July: The Feast of Sacrifice/ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā/Kurban Bayramı (Islamic)
30. July: Islamic New Year (Islamic)
6. August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
8. August: Ashura/ʿĀšūrāʾ/Aşure Günü (Islamic)
15. August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
19. August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 6th August)
28. August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 15th August)
8. September: Birth of Mary (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
14. September: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
21. September: Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 8th September)
26. to 27. September: The New Year celebrations/Rosch ha-Schana (Jewish, two days in the diaspora)
27. September: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (Christian, according to the Julian calendar, see 14th September)
28. September: Fasting (in memory of) Gedaliah/Zom Gedalja (Jewish)
5. October: The Day of Atonement/Jom Kippur oder Jom ha-Kippurim (Jewish)
7. October: The birthday of the prophet/Mawlid an-Nabī/Mevlid Kandili (Islamic)
10. to 16. October: The Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot (Jewish)
17. and 18. October: The final celebration/Shemini Azeret and The Festival of Torah Joy/Simchat Torah (Jewish)
31. October: Reformation Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
1. November: All Saints’ Day(Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
2. November: All Souls’ Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
16. November: Day of Prayer and Repentance (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
6. December: St Nicholas (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
18. to 26. December: The consecration festival/Chanukka (Jewish)
24. December: Christmas Eve (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
25. December: First Christmas Day/Feast of the Nativity of the Lord (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)
26. December: Second Christmas Day (Christian, according to the Gregorian calendar)